[CMake] find_package(Subversion) fails when run by an automated Jenkins build

Massaro Alessio Alessio.Massaro at mediobanca.co.uk
Wed Feb 29 13:08:21 EST 2012

Hi there,

Awkward behaviour:

My CMakeLists.txt do a find_package(Subversion)

Now, I have a Jenkins build server running under domain user XYZ
The Jenkins CMake plugin tells me it's trying to do the following:

         "c:\Program Files\CMake 2.8\bin\cmake.exe"  -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"

                 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  "D:\path\to\where\jenkins\puts\mysource"

And fails with

         -- Could NOT find Subversion (missing:  Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE)

But if I logon to that very same server with that very same domain user, check-out the code from svn elsewhere on the server disk and run the above command (adjusting for the different path to the source), then the find_package will work just fine.

Does anyone have a clue on what the problem might be?
What might be causing the difference in behaviour?

Thanks in advance!
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