[CMake] $<TARGET_FILE:tgt> in the add_custom_command()

Kozlovskiy, Alexey Alexey_Kozlovskiy at mentor.com
Wed Feb 15 09:00:08 EST 2012


Thanks for your explanation. I will choose a different project name to avoid this issue.
Thanks again!


-----Original Message-----
From: cmake-bounces at cmake.org [mailto:cmake-bounces at cmake.org] On Behalf Of Michael Wild
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 7:49 PM
To: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] $<TARGET_FILE:tgt> in the add_custom_command()

On 02/14/2012 04:36 PM, aaron.meadows at thomsonreuters.com wrote:
> *Looks like '+' is not a valid character for the target name. *
> *  *
> *Specifically, cmGeneratorExpression.cxx does not have it as part of 
> the regular expression to match target names: (line 23 on) *
> *  *
> *  *
>   this->TargetInfo.compile("^\\$<TARGET"
>                            "(|_SONAME|_LINKER)"  // File with what purpose?
>                            "_FILE(|_NAME|_DIR):" // Filename component.
>                            "([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+)"   // Target name.
>                            ">$");
> *  *
> *(In case you're unfamiliar with regular expressions, that + is just 
> to denote 1 or more of the things between the [ and ] . ) *
> *  *
> *I tried adding + to that list, but I'm not sure how (if it's 
> possible) to escape it (and it resulted in a regular expression 
> compile error (runtime)).  I'd suggest using something else instead of 
> a + in your target name. *
> *  *
> *Aaron Meadows*
> *  *
> *From:*cmake-bounces at cmake.org [mailto:cmake-bounces at cmake.org] *On 
> Behalf Of *Kozlovskiy, Alexey
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 14, 2012 5:38 AM
> *To:* cmake at cmake.org
> *Subject:* [CMake] $<TARGET_FILE:tgt> in the add_custom_command()
> Hi,
> If the project name has a symbols "-" or "+" the $<TARGET_FILE:tgt> in 
> the add_custom_command() return Error: "Error evaluating generator 
> expression"
> For example:
> SET ( PROJECT_NAME "00010-Liquid+Gas_as_capture " )
> set ( SRCS_MAIN_CPT main.c      )
> add_executable ( ${ PROJECT_NAME } ${SRCS_MAIN_CPT} )
> add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ PROJECT_NAME } POST_BUILD
>                                             COMMAND "$<TARGET_FILE:${ 
>                                             ARGS "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${ 
> PROJECT_NAME }>/110.cnf"
>                                             COMMENT "Running cpt.exe..."
> )
> When I run the CMake I received the following error:
> "CMake Error at problems.rt.Cmake:114 (add_custom_command):
>   Error evaluating generator expression:
>     $<TARGET_FILE:00010-Liquid+Gas_as_capture>
> Expression syntax not recognized."
> Is this a bug or some syntax limitation?
> Regards,
> Alexey

As a work-around use a different target name which is "clean" and then use the OUTPUT_NAME target property to get the desired file name.



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