[CMake] What can cause cmake (2.8.4 and 7) to fail after upgrade of Visual Studio 10 Express to Professional? stackoverflow question. posting here

Nicky Perian nickyperian at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 17:03:19 EST 2012

C:\Users\xxxx\lindenhg\3p\hacd-k-wip\buil>cmake -G"Visual Studio 10"

-- Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10

Gets to here, hangs, and I ctrl-c out.

An nmake project will complete including the test above.

After ctrl-c out, I can cd to

Then, cl testCCompiler.c and the program compiles against the cl.exe in
Visual Studio 10/vc/bin with no hiccups.

Uninstalled and reinstalled cmake.

Before with express only cmake gave no problems.
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