[CMake] CPACK generated DEB package can not create directories

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 14:05:41 EST 2012

2012/2/6 Ralf Lange <ralf.lange at longsoft.de>:
> The CMake version is 2.8.2.
> The system is Debian 6.0.4 (squeez).
> The kernel is 2.6.32-5-amd64.
> The Desktop is Gnome 2.30.2.

Could you try, cmake 2.8.7
(may be this fix
 http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=10325 could solve your problem)
run cpack in fakeroot like:

$ cd /home/ralf/Animation-Dev/qStopMotion/qstopmotion-buil-makefile
$ fakeroot cpack -G DEB

Then retry the installation.

> CPack generates the deb package. Than I open the package using GDebi
> Packet Installer. The installer ask for the superuser password and ends
> without installation. The error message is:
> dpkg: Error processing
> of /home/ralf/Animation-Dev/qStopMotion/qstopmotion-buil-makefile/qstopmotion-0.9.10-Linux.deb (--install):
> /usr/share/qstopmotion/graphics/qstopmotion_logo_transparent_75.png.dpkg-new can not be created (...): File or Directory not found.

is the "qstopmotion" this project:

If yes did you made some change or could I theoretically try to
reproduce the issue
using the source I can find on this site?

> When I create all the directories on the command line bevor I start the
> installer, than it works.

could you put the result of:

dpkg-deb --contents <yourdebfile>.deb

in a text file and send it to me?

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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