[CMake] Xcode Archiving on iOS and OSX

Jamie Hales jamie at pixelballoon.com
Fri Dec 14 07:20:36 EST 2012


I'm currently trying to change my existing multiple project setup (manually maintaining makefiles, vsproj and xcodeproj) for a single cmake solution. So far it's going well, I have the OSX and iOS targets up and running correctly when running directly on the device, but I'm having issues when archiving.

Basically whenever I try to archive I get linker errors for every separate static library I'm using (also compiled with cmake)

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/aeonflame/Dropbox/Development/pixelballoon/astraeus/build/ios/pixelboost/engine/Release-iphoneos/libpixelboost_engine.a'

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/aeonflame/Dropbox/Development/pixelballoon/astraeus/build/ios/pixelboost/libs/box2d/Box2D/Release-iphoneos/libBox2D.a'

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/aeonflame/Dropbox/Development/pixelballoon/astraeus/build/ios/pixelboost/libs/freetype2/Release-iphoneos/libfreetype2.a'

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/aeonflame/Dropbox/Development/pixelballoon/astraeus/build/ios/pixelboost/libs/librocket/Release-iphoneos/liblibrocket.a'

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/aeonflame/Dropbox/Development/pixelballoon/astraeus/build/ios/pixelboost/libs/lua/Release-iphoneos/liblua.a'

These are included in the main project in the standard way -

target_link_libraries (pixelboost_engine Box2D freetype2 librocket lua)
target_link_libraries (astraeus pixelboost_engine)

There's no issue when running directly, it's only when archiving.

I've been searching for about 2 days for a solution to this but can't find a solution yet. I've come across some vague references to setting the library install path, so I have tried setting various attributes -

Kind Regards,
Jamie Hales

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