[CMake] Generating multiple debian packages
Bruce Cartland
bruce.cartland at pobox.com
Thu Aug 9 00:03:13 EDT 2012
Hi Doug
Ok. Works now I've upgraded to version 2.8.8 from 2.8.0.
I was reaching the conclusion that components were more suited to
installers such NSIS - but with a lot of confusion.
Your latest example is elegant simplicity - it should go on the wiki.
Thanks so much for clearing things up.
On 9/08/2012 1:27 PM, Doug wrote:
> I've update my example code here to do this; it results in much easier
> to configure individual packages than trying to force the components
> (never designed for independent packages from one project), and is
> extendable to support other generators that do not support components.
> https://github.com/shadowmint/cmake-multi-install
> ~
> Doug.
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Doug<douglas.linder at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Woops; didn't mean to respond off list.
>> Anyway, basically my suggestion is as part of your build generate a folder like:
>> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/deploy-package-XXX/
>> And copy all the file you want to deploy as part of your package into
>> that directory.
>> Then generate a CMakeLists.txt file with only cpack directives in it
>> into that directory.
>> Finally invoke cmake as a post build custom command in that directory
>> to build the package.
>> cpack does not support configuration per component for debian packages
>> (and some other generators).
>> Even if you split your code up into multiple packages, they'll end up
>> with the same description, etc.
>> It's also worth noting that on old systems (ubuntu 8 LTS for example)
>> the debian packages generated by
>> cpack are NOT VALID and will fail to install in some circumstances
>> (the order of files in the archive is
>> not correctly set, and it will try to install files before the
>> relevant directories have been created, failing the
>> install). Doesn't seem to be an issue in more recent versions though.
>> ~
>> Doug.
>> On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Bruce Cartland<bruce.cartland at pobox.com> wrote:
>>> I've been through this and experimented with samples kindly provided by
>>> another user. Nothing works for debian packaging. What I think will work is
>>> a "workaround" from another user in 2008
>>> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2008-April/020967.html, where I
>>> generate my own CPackConfig-runtime.cmake and CPackConfig-dev.cmake files.
>>> thanks for the pointers
>>> On 8/08/2012 5:50 PM, Eric Noulard wrote:
>>> s.
>>> 2012/8/8 m.hergarden<m.hergarden at euphoria-it.nl>
>>>> I have found this to work for RPM files:
>>>> You have to define components using:
>>>> cpack_add_component(runtime DISPLAY_NAME runtime REQUIRED INSTALL_TYPES
>>>> all)
>>> You are right defining components is the easiest way to produce several
>>> packages (deb, rpm, zip, etc...)
>>> This is explained here:
>>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Component_Install_With_CPack
>>>> For rpm I had to set this:
>>>> (Grepping on component in the CPackDeb.cmake module suggests the deb files
>>>> use something similar.)
>>> This fact is explained as well:
>>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Component_Install_With_CPack#Enabling_Component_Packaging
>>> Beginning with CPack/CMake 2.8.8 you can get the list of CPACK_xxx control
>>> variables:
>>> cpack --help-variable-list
>>> and
>>> cpack --help-variable "CPACK_<GENNAME>_COMPONENT_INSTALL"
>>> gives you the specific documentation:
>>> Enable/Disable component install for CPack generator<GENNAME>.
>>> Each CPack Generator (RPM, DEB, ARCHIVE, NSIS, DMG, etc...) has a
>>> legacy
>>> default behavior. e.g. RPM builds monolithic whereas NSIS builds
>>> component.
>>> One can change the default behavior by setting this variable to 0/1
>>> or OFF/ON.
>>>> In your INSTALL() statements you have to add 'COMPONENT runtime' to
>>>> specify the component a file belongs to.
>>>> Hth,
>>>> Micha
>>>> On 08/08/2012 08:59 AM, Bruce wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Got my shiny new cmake build system going for my project on windows,
>>>> Ubuntu, and Mac.
>>>> Despite a fair bit of research I'm still not sure how to generate 2
>>>> separate debian packages from the same cmake files - say myapp.deb and
>>>> myapp-dev.deb.
>>> Concerning the naming scheme of the various packages, there are some
>>> limitations:
>>> see: http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=12997
>>> and related bugs.
>>> --
>>> Erk
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