[CMake] query features of cmake

Christian Arnault arnault at lal.in2p3.fr
Fri Apr 20 10:24:25 EDT 2012


I'm looking for query features in CMake.

In a very complex and large project with 100's of packages, developped 
by many persons, each responsible of a subset, but forming a complex 
graph of interrelated stuff, it important to be able to query the 
configuration (at least for debugging purposes)

CMake already offers some such features...
eg one can ask for various properties. (get_XXX_property)

Is there a way to query which and where libraries, exes, custom cmds, 
are declared?

something like:

cmake --show libraries
cmake --show executables
cmake --show subdirectories
cmake --show property xxx

where the answer would tell you the library A is declared in 
subdirectory A/B, but also what is the original spec of this library, 
but also what is its effective specification when it's invoked?
or the value of a given property AND which package (subdirectory) is 
setting this property...


| Christian Arnault                        |
| LAL Bat 200 pièce 03a                    |
| 91405 Orsay CEDEX                        |
| phone   : (33) 1 64 46 84 24             |
| gsm     : (33) 6 77 27 62 30             |
| fax     : (33) 1 69 07 94 04             |
| e-mail  : christian.arnault at lal.in2p3.fr |

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