[CMake] (no subject)

Ju-Lian Kwan artifice_1 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 28 03:04:12 EDT 2011

I'm having trouble getting FIND_PATH to work in a certain case. I have it working in other Find*.cmake files, but in one of my files I cannot seem to get it to cooperate and cmake --trace/--debug-output don't seem to provide any useful information for debugging FIND_PATH.
The problem is that cmake generates a "NOTFOUND" error when using the following cmake file (DEV_ROOT is set to /home/jlk/dev):
FIND_PATH( TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIRS            NAMES   tinyxml.h            PATHS   $ENV{DEV_ROOT}/externals/tinyxml )
FIND_LIBRARY( TinyXML_LIBRARY_Debug                NAMES   tinyxml                PATHS   $ENV{DEV_ROOT}/externals/tinyxml/Debug )
FIND_LIBRARY( TinyXML_LIBRARY_Release                NAMES   tinyxml                PATHS   $ENV{DEV_ROOT}/externals/tinyxml/Release )
IF( TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIRS )    SET( TinyXML_FOUND TRUE )    SET( TinyXML_LIBRARIES ${TinyXML_LIBRARIES}            debug       ${TinyXML_LIBRARY_Debug}            optimized   ${TinyXML_LIBRARY_Release} )ENDIF()
The two MESSAGE outputs from cmake are:
-- TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIRS-NOTFOUND-- /home/jlk/dev/externals/tinyxml

The part I do not understand is if I execute an ls command like so: ls -la /home/jlk/dev/externals/tinyxml/tinyxml.h
The output I get is: -rw-r--r-- 1 jlk jlk 64574 2011-09-27 02:58 /home/jlk/dev/externals/tinyxml/tinyxml.h
Which, as far as I understand it, is the file that cmake should be looking for. Does anyone know what could be wrong? As I said, I have other Find*.cmake files that work and I just can't seem to spot the problem.

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