[CMake] cmake, boost on windows, and linking: shouldn't find_package have put BOOST_ROOT/lib into LIB?

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Fri Oct 28 22:11:32 EDT 2011

I'm slowly learning cmake and converting some real software to it,
targeting Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
Along the way, I'm making minimal working examples (they're a lot
easier to debug them than the real thing) and putting them up at

Today, I wrote an example that uses a single function from boost.  It's at

For Linux, demo.sh builds and runs the example, assuming you've
installed everything needed with apt-get.
For Windows (or Linux with Wine), demo.bat builds and runs the
example, assuming you've installed visual c++ 2005 express, the win 7
platform sdk, and boostpro.com's pre-build boost (the whole thing,
don't skip any libraries, or you may be mystified why things don't
link, like I was).    It sets BOOST_ROOT so find_package can find

And now the question.
I needed to put $BOOST_ROOT/lib into the LIB environment variable by
hand (well, by running
If I leave it out, I get the error
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file
when bulding on Windows.
Shouldn't find_package have taken care of that?

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