[CMake] FindLAPACK in git head

Tim Gallagher tim.gallagher at gatech.edu
Mon Oct 17 00:25:34 EDT 2011


We're having problems with FindLAPACK in the latest source head. It claims it cannot find LAPACK when previous versions of CMake find it just fine. It does not work with either the Generic version or the Intel version. FindBLAS correctly locates the library though.

And when we put in the path for the LAPACK_mkl_lapack_LIBRARY variable, it doesn't complain. But then during linking, we get:

/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libguide.so: undefined reference to `pthread_atfork'
make[2]: *** [derivative/unitTests/utDerivativeTestc] Error 1

even though libpthread.so exists and is on the library path in /usr/lib. 

Has anybody else experienced this issue? We've had it on a variety of machines with very different configurations.



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