[CMake] modifying the PATH during NSIS intallation

pellegrini pellegrini at ill.fr
Thu Oct 6 03:37:23 EDT 2011

forget my question. In the meantime, I solved my problem.

For those interested, there is an option for this:




pellegrini a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I recently discovered the (very) useful CPack program from CMake. I 
> would like to build an NSIS
> installer that, when launched, will, as well as installing my package, 
> will also modify the PATH with
> the directory where my executables have been installed. Is that 
> something (if so, how) that
> fall in the scope of CPACK_INSTALL_COMMANDS ?
> thanks a lot
> Eric

Eric Pellegrini
Calcul Scientifique
Institut Laue-Langevin
Grenoble, France

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