[CMake] Multiarch support

Daniel Pfeifer daniel at pfeifer-mail.de
Wed May 18 17:28:34 EDT 2011

Am Mittwoch, den 18.05.2011, 23:02 +0200 schrieb Andreas Heck:
> Hey guys,
> does anyone knows if there exists a patched version of 2.8.4 with 
> debians new multiarch support?
> Ubuntu natty is the first system which uses this kind of structure.

Hi Andreas,

for ubuntu maverick and natty, a patched version of CMake 2.8.4 can be
installed from my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~purplekarrot/+archive/ppa

There is a lot of other stuff inside this PPA that you probably do not
want (eg a modularized build of the boost trunk). If there is enough
interest, I will create a PPA dedicated to CMake.

cheers, Daniel

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