[CMake] linux cmake with intel compiler

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Wed May 18 07:09:07 EDT 2011

2011/5/18 gekso <ev.93kso at gmail.com>:
> Hello! Does anyone know how to use Intel Compiler with cmake on linux
> ("Unix Makefiles")?
> I've tried to set CC, CXX environment variables before cmake - no
> effect.

What do you mean by "no-effect" ?
gcc is found and used?

$ source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/064/bin/iccvars.sh
$ CC=/path/to/icc CXX=/path/to/icpc cmake /path/to/source

works for me on Linux for several project using CMake including CMake itself?
Test done with CMake 2.8.3.

Which version of CMake are you using?

> Call of intel compiler environment - no effect too..

Same question what does "no effect" mean ?
Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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