[CMake] cdash build name

Yngve Inntjore Levinsen yngve.levinsen at gmail.com
Tue May 17 07:49:13 EDT 2011

Dear developers,

I apologize if this has been answered before. I have just set up CDash and I noticed that the build name in the report is typically "Linux-c++" or similar. Now for our project Fortran is the main language, and we want to test on many different compilers. Hence I would prefer it stated "Linux-ifort", "Linux-gfortran" and so on. I tried the following in CTestConfig.cmake:

find_program(UNAME NAMES uname)
macro(getuname name flag)
  exec_program("${UNAME}" ARGS "${flag}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE "${name}")

getuname(osname -s)
# getuname(osrel  -r)
getuname(cpu    -m)

set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "${osname}-${cpu}-prod")
message("CTEST name: ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME}")

When configuring the message shows the build name I would like to have (or, I would understand how to modify it to my liking), but on the CDash web page it still states "Linux-c++". Anyone knows a solution/what I am doing wrong? When I click on the report it also states that the compiler name is "/usr/bin/c++" and unknown version. Ideally I would also like this information to change to the fortran compiler information.

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,
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