[CMake] Testing and DLLs

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed May 4 12:25:04 EDT 2011

Funny, I did the same thing using pure CMake code because I couldn't figure out batch files. 

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#-- Copy all the dependent DLLs into the current build directory so that the test
#-- can run.
#  message(STATUS "#--------------------------------------------")
#  message(STATUS "CMP_COPY_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES: ${_libraryList}")
  set (_libraryList ${_libraryList})
  SET (TYPES Debug Release)
  if (MSVC)
    # Make all the necessary intermediate directories for Visual Studio
    FOREACH(lib ${_libraryList})
      STRING(TOUPPER ${lib} upperlib)
     # message(STATUS "upperlib: ${upperlib}")
     # message(STATUS "${upperlib}_IS_SHARED: ${${upperlib}_IS_SHARED}")
      if (${upperlib}_IS_SHARED)
        #  message(STATUS "Looking for ${BTYPE} DLL Version of ${lib}")
          STRING(TOUPPER ${BTYPE} TYPE)        
          get_filename_component(lib_path ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_${TYPE}} PATH)
          get_filename_component(lib_name ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_${TYPE}} NAME_WE)
       #   message(STATUS "lib_path: ${lib_path}")
       #   message(STATUS "lib_name: ${lib_name}")
                        NAMES ${lib_name}.dll
                        PATHS  ${lib_path}/../bin ${lib_path}/.. ${lib_path}/ ${${upperlib}_BIN_DIR}
                        NO_DEFAULT_PATH )
      #    message(STATUS "${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}: ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}}")
          if ( ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}} STREQUAL  "${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}-NOTFOUND")
            message(FATAL_ERROR "According to how ${upperlib}_LIBRARY_${TYPE} was found the library should"
                                " have been built as a DLL but no .dll file can be found. I looked in the "
                                " following locations:\n  ${lib_path}\n  ${lib_path}/..\n  ${lib_path}/../bin\n  ${${upperlib}_BIN_DIR}")

         # SET(${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE} "${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}}/${lib_name}.dll" CACHE FILEPATH "The path to the DLL Portion of the library" FORCE)
         # message(STATUS "${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}: ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}}")
          message(STATUS "Generating Copy Rule for ${BTYPE} DLL Library ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}}")
          ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(ZZ_${upperlib}_DLL_${TYPE}-Copy ALL 
                      COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}}
                      COMMENT "  Copy: ${${upperlib}_LIBRARY_DLL_${TYPE}}\n    To: ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${BTYPE}/")

    ENDFOREACH(lib ${_libraryList})

This does depend on certain CMake variables being setup correctly though so maybe the batch file solution might work better. 

Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net 
BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio

On May 4, 2011, at 11:52 AM, John Drescher wrote:

>> I am curious whether there is a common way of dealing with unit tests
>> when the actual project to be tested is a DLL? The issue I am facing
>> is a common Windows issue where the required DLL is not found in the
>> path.
>> I tried to put all binaries in the same directory by modifying
>> CMAKE_*_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY but that did not affect my tests (added via
>> add_test).
>> Another solution I can think of is running "make INSTALL" before
>> running the tests but that feels like a strange approach since I
>> typically want to test before installing.
>> Its also not really possible to adapt the PATH environment variable -
>> how could I possible guess where somebody is going to build my code!?
>> So again, I am really curious if there is a well working solution.
> I now have a custom build script that generates a batch file that
> copies (using cmake commands) the required dlls into the Debug,
> Release, RelWithDebInfo folders for me for the few libraries that
> require dlls (Qt ). For ITK, VTK ... I use static libs so no need to
> copy these.
> option (GET_RUNTIME			"Create a target that will get the runtime" ON)
> 	add_custom_target(GetRuntime  "${RUNTIME_BATCH_FILENAME}")
> #########################################################################################
> 	macro( add_runtime_file BatchFileName RuntimeFile Configuration )
> 		# Test if this is a valid configuration.
> 		if ( NOT "${__MATCHED__}" STREQUAL "" )
> 			IF (NOT EXISTS "${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${Configuration}")
> 				file( MAKE_DIRECTORY "${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${Configuration}" )
> 			GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT( BatchFile ${BatchFileName} NAME_WE )
> 			#The following will truncate the file on the first call to add_runtime_file.
> 			if ( NOT DEFINED __add_runtime_file_${BatchFile}__ )
> 				set ( __add_runtime_file_${BatchFile}__ 1)
> 				file( WRITE ${BatchFileName} "REM This file will copy the runtimes
> to the Debug and Release binary folders\n" )
> 			endif ( NOT DEFINED __add_runtime_file_${BatchFile}__)
> 			#The following line will add the entry in the batch file for
> copying the Runtime file to the folder
> ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${Configuration}/
> 			file( APPEND ${BatchFileName} "\"${CMAKE_COMMAND}\" -E
> copy_if_different \"${RuntimeFile}\"
> \"${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${Configuration}/\"\n" )
> 		endif(  NOT "${__MATCHED__}" STREQUAL "" )
> 	endmacro( add_runtime_file )
> #########################################################################################
> 	macro( add_runtime_file_for_packaging RuntimeFile )
> 	endmacro( add_runtime_file_for_packaging )
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