[CMake] New warnings in CMake 2.8.4-rc2

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Mon Mar 28 07:33:04 EDT 2011

See the cmake command line help for:
--no-warn-unused-cli        = Don't warn about command line options.

I would just add "--no-warn-unused-cli" to the ExternalProject_Add calls and
require CMake 2.8.4. (There is no ExternalProject_Add in CMake 2.6...)

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Johnson, Hans J <hans-johnson at uiowa.edu>wrote:

>  David,
>  I am trying to remove all warnings from my Cmake build process:  During a
> "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug" build I get the following warning:
> *
> CMake Warning: The variable, 'CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE', specified manually, was not used during the generation.
> I believe that I get an alternate warning when building in Release mode that
> CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG is specified manually.
> *
> I was reading this thread:
> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2011-February/042474.html
>  Here is my situation, and I'd like your advice on how to resolve it:
>  I am using ExternalProject_Add feature of cmake, and I want all external
> packages to be built with the same compiler options:
> BRAINSABC BRAINSConstellationDetector  BRAINSMush  BRAINSROIAuto  GTRACT  ${DicomToNrrdConverter} ${DicomSignature} ${BRAINSImageEval}  BRAINSInitilizedControlPoints  )
>  foreach(proj ${EXTERNAL_PACKAGES})
>   # message(STATUS "Building ExternalProject ${proj}")
>   #  message(STATUS "BRAINSCommonLib_DIR = ${BRAINSCommonLib_DIR}")
>   ExternalProject_Add(${proj}
>     BINARY_DIR ${proj}-build
>     #    DEPENDS  BRAINSCommonLib SlicerExecutionModel
>     CMAKE_GENERATOR ${gen}
>     )
> endforeach()
>  =========================================
> Is there a way inside the CMakeLists.txt file to avoid these warnings?
>  The only solution I can think of is to add a tremendous amount of
> if/then/else logic to explicitly handle all permutations of options so that
> only the minimal set of options is sent.  That is going to be a maintenance
> nightmare.
>  This code needs to compile similarly under cmake 2.6.4 and 2.8.4, or I'll
> need to again add build logic to our testing scripts.
>  Thanks,
> Hans
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