[CMake] Why is ExternalProject trigger-happy about re-downloading source?

David Partyka david.partyka at kitware.com
Wed Mar 9 15:05:23 EST 2011


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 2:50 PM, kent williams <nkwmailinglists at gmail.com>wrote:

> I've been running into this every since we updated to CMake 2.8.4, but
> I don't know if it's revision specific.
> Sometimes if I change CMakeLists.txt in various directories so that
> make will re-run cmake to pickup CMakeLists.txt changes, it triggers
> re-downloading VTK & ITK from scratch.
> If I set UPDATE_COMMAND to "", it never re-downloads. But
> GIT_REPOSITORY seems to blow away the downloaded source for an
> external project and re-download it, even if the CMakeLists.txt change
> is unrelated to to the ExternalProject in question.
> Is there a way to suppress this behavior?
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