[CMake] Support for Custom LANG in CMAKE (CUDA and general case)

James Bigler jamesbigler at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 01:45:24 EDT 2011

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Łukasz Tasz <lukasz at tasz.eu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> >
> > Other than the 'more elegant' prospect of being able to just put .cu
> files
> > into a target, is there anything else deficient about the current
> FindCUDA
> > macros?  All you have to do really is to use cuda_add_executable instead
> of
> > add_executable.
> >
> As far as I understood the topic aim is to provide object compiled
> with different language - in this case with CUDA.
> But respecting dependencies that are visible on all platform. Since
> *.cu files are like C++ syntax, same dependency generator from cmake
> can be used.
> The aim is to provide add_executable(demo main.cxx demo1.cu demo2.cu)
> or  add_executable(demo main.cu demo1.cu demo2.cu),
> The first example will be only partialy compiled by CUDA.
I don't understand what you mean by partially.  If you had
cuda_add_executable(demo main.cxx demo1.cu demo2.cu), then main.cxx will be
compiled by the host compiler, demo1.cu  and demo2.cu will be compiled by
nvcc (CUDA + host compiler), and then all will be linked by the host linker.

> > I've iterated with Peter many times about his proposed changes, and one
> of
> > the issues we were hoping to solve is the ability to target different
> output
> > formats.  CUDA supports generation of not only object files, but PTX and
> > CUBIN files which need to not be treated as an object file.  In addition,
> it
> > wasn't clear how this adaptation would behave along side the existing
> > FindCUDA behavior for which we have to be backward compatible with.
> In this case cmake gives very flexible way of introducing new
> language, just  correctly initialise all *<LANG>* variables,
> But one very important thing is gone, dependencies. There is no
> interface how to provide dependencies / generate dependencies for
> cmake. (at least I don't know - making macro that will ccan the files
> for #includes and calling add_dependencies is not a solution)
> It would be really nice to have this language included, or even more
> flexible solution is also welcome, to get intercafe to impement own
> dependency scaner or inherit current one (C/CXX)
> regards
> Lukasz Tasz
> _______________________________________________
The problem with dependencies I think relates to how the build system
represents them.  In makefiles the dependencies are explicitly defined,
while in Visual Studio the dependencies for C code is handled by the IDE and
other files are explicit.  It seems like a lot of effort to extend CMake
dependency scanning capabilities when this functionality can only be
extended to makefiles.  Is this what you are desiring?

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