[CMake] ccmake options organization
Nicolas Desprès
nicolas.despres at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 19:24:28 EDT 2011
I have run into the same trouble and I've started on a local branch to
add a filter option to ccmake as well as others improvement. As you
probably know the cmake GUI already provides such options.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Tim Gallagher <tim.gallagher at gatech.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have a code that has a lot of options to enable/disable at compile time, and we'd also like to use ccmake to generate input files to run the code (possibly several hundred options combined). But the way the curses gui organizes things makes it really hard/tedious to keep track of things.
> Has anybody looked into creating something akin to tabs to organize options? A simple way, for example, would be to put options with a common prefix on it's own tab so they stay organized. So anything with CMAKE_ would be on a CMake tab, anything with MPI_ would be on an MPI tab, and so on.
> I've been looking through the cmake source and it looks like it uses the system installed ncurses (correct?) I haven't used (n)curses before, but I did some reading and it looks like the panel library that comes with it might be a good way to go.
> Has anybody else looked at this or think it would be useful? I'm willing to attempt putting it in myself, but I've never developed in the cmake source before, or used the curses library so I don't know if what I come up with would ever make it into the stream, even if it works.
> Thoughts?
> Tim
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Nicolas Desprès
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