[CMake] Problem making vc project

Yuri Timenkov yuri at timenkov.ru
Thu Jul 28 11:27:33 EDT 2011

It's really hard to find problem without having whole picture.

I can only suggest printing debug information from your CMakeLists.txt with
message() command. There could be problems with CUDA_COMPILE, it may return
empty list for example, if cuda library isn't found for current
platform/compiler. So try printing values of all required variables
(_CUDA_GENERATED_FILES, _libGPIUTMD_cu_sources, etc) to localize problem.

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Nima Nouri <nouri.f.nima at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I cannot make a small stand alone example, it is a big project.
> however I have checked the cmakelists. I am sending you the part that is
> responsible for making the cuda file lists.
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:03 AM, Yuri Timenkov <yuri at timenkov.ru> wrote:
>> The original CMakeLists will be helpful to solve your problem. Could you
>> provide a small stand-alone example reproducing your problem?
>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Nima Nouri <nouri.f.nima at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi everybody
>>> I am currently trying to compile my source code on VC9.
>>> Previously I was using VC8 and every thing was fine but now cmake does
>>> make everything like before but only a vcproject file.
>>> I have attached both files in a rar archive to this mail, the one made
>>> for VC8 is larger 250KB and the one made for VC9 is the smaller 70KB.
>>> if you comparison the files (of course with a comparison utility like the
>>> ones notepad++ have) you will find that all cuda source files are not added
>>> to the build list on the VC9 file.
>>> Does any one has any idea about whats causing this? and How i can fix it?
>>> I should add that the settings of the cmake files for both VC8 and VC9
>>> are set using the cmake internal parameters MSVC80 and MSVC90 and the
>>> configurations are the same. for example
>>> if (MSVC80)
>>> -The block of command
>>> endif (MSVC80)
>>> if (MSVC90)
>>> -The same block of command
>>> endif (MSVC90)
>>> --
>>>  Best Regards
>>> N.Nouri
>>> Ph.D Student
>>> Department of Mechanical Engineering
>>> Isfahan University of Technology
>>> Isfahan, Iran
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> --
> Best Regards
> N.Nouri
> Ph.D Student
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> Isfahan University of Technology
> Isfahan, Iran
> gpiutmd.iut.ac.ir
> gpiutmd.webs.com
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