[CMake] Using CMake to interface with non-CMake libraries
Andreas Naumann
Andreas-Naumann at gmx.net
Sun Jul 24 11:29:13 EDT 2011
Hey Zoey,
I don't know anything about SOLID, but the errormessage means, your
program needs to be linked against a library.
You could ask cmake to look for your SOLID library:
find_library(SOLID_LIBRARY solid)
message(ERROR "please specify the library for SOLID")
add extend the target_link_libraries call with ${SOLID_LIBRARY}:
target_link_libraries(hybrid_PRM_demo ${QT3_LIBRARIES} ${CGAL_LIBRARIES}
I hope that helps you a little bit.
Am 24.07.2011 12:09, schrieb Zoey McCarthy:
> Hello everyone,
> I am new to using CMake and I am trying to compile a program that uses two
> libraries, one of which needs to be built using CMake, and the other, that
> utilizes its own build system(the Makefiles were generated using ./configure).
> The two libraries are CGAL and SOLID (for collision detection).
> CGAL provides a script, cgal_create_cmake_script , that produces the
> CMakeLists.txt file for an executable that includes the CGAL library. I can
> build my executable fine using cmake and make when I only try to include CGAL.
> When I try to include SOLID, I have issues with finding class definitions during
> linking, i.e. I get errors of the type:
> /home/zoeymccarthy/hybrid_PRM/CollisionChecker.h:146: undefined reference to
> `DT_GenResponseClass'
> SOLID is installed in /usr/local/include/SOLID/ and /usr/include/SOLID/. The
> header files for the library were installed there, but I have since tried
> copying the rest of the files associated with the library there since the
> compiler was able to locate the header files.
> This is the CMakeLists.txt that the CGAL script generated for my project:
> # Created by the script cgal_create_cmake_script
> # This is the CMake script for compiling a CGAL application.
> project( hybrid_PRM_demo )
> if ( COMMAND cmake_policy )
> cmake_policy( SET CMP0003 NEW )
> endif()
> find_package(CGAL QUIET COMPONENTS Core Qt3 )
> if ( CGAL_FOUND )
> include( ${CGAL_USE_FILE} )
> find_package(Qt3-patched QUIET )
> # FindQt3-patched.cmake is FindQt3.cmake patched by CGAL developers, so
> # that it can be used together with FindQt4: all its variables are prefixed
> # by "QT3_" instead of "QT_".
> include( Qt3Macros-patched )
> qt3_automoc( main.cpp )
> # Make sure the compiler can find generated .moc files
> include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
> include_directories( ${QT3_INCLUDE_DIR} )
> add_executable (hybrid_PRM_demo main.cpp)
> add_to_cached_list( CGAL_EXECUTABLE_TARGETS hybrid_PRM_demo )
> # Link the executable to CGAL and third-party libraries
> target_link_libraries(hybrid_PRM_demo ${QT3_LIBRARIES} ${CGAL_LIBRARIES}
> else()
> message(STATUS "NOTICE: This demo requires Qt3 and the CGAL Qt3 library, and
> will not be compiled.")
> endif()
> else()
> message(STATUS "NOTICE: This demo requires the CGAL library, and will not be
> compiled.")
> endif()
> As you can see, there is no reference to SOLID. How should I modify it so that
> the resulting Makefile will know where to link to my SOLID object files, given
> that SOLID has no .cmake file associated with it, and the library was built
> without any CMakeLists.txt files? I've tried adding the following two lines:
> include_directories(/usr/include/SOLID/)
> link_directories(/usr/include/SOLID/)
> to the middle of my CMakeLists.txt (before if ( CGAL_FOUND) ), but it results in
> the same error.
> I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but for the life of me I can't get it to
> work.
> Thank you for your help,
> Zoey
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