[CMake] Is it possible to call or include CMakeCache from another CMakeCache?
Kevyn-Alexandre Paré
kapare at rogue-research.com
Tue Jul 19 11:50:09 EDT 2011
Hi David,
thx for the reply see below.
On 2011-07-19, at 6:41 AM, David Cole wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Kevyn-Alexandre Paré
> <kapare at rogue-research.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to call or include CMakeCache from another CMakeCache?
>> I want to replace my 2 CMakeCache to one.
>> ex:
>> cmake -C Config-Generic.txt :qConfig-Project.txt ../
>> Any idea if it's possible to include the Config-Generic.txt inside the Config-Project.txt?
>> Best Regards,
>> Kevyn-Alexandre Paré
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> Ii don't think this really sounds like a wise idea...
That's the reason why I post the question. But why it's not, this is why I'm asking.
> What is it you're trying to accomplish?
Sorry if I didn't gives enough explanation. I'm trying to remove the cut & paste on each project for:
and a lot of other flag
by putting all of these in a generic CMakeCache file. So I could reuse that generic config file for other project.
> If you have two CMakeCache
> files, then you have two separate projects, and you've run CMake on
> each of them to get the two CMakeCache files.
No this isn't what we are trying to accomplish. It's possible to use cmake with multiple cache file:
cmake -C Cache1.txt -C Cache2.txt <path to cmakelist.txt>
> So why do you want to
> combine them into one?
Since I'm having a generic cache file that contain the generic project detail. I was interested from the cache specific to INCLUDE that generic cache file like a simple header file (like in C).
> If you only want one project, then why not
> simply merge the two CMakeLists files together into one project?
Because at the end since we are having multiple project we were hoping to reuse and not cut and paste.
> Let us know what you're trying to achieve, maybe there's a better
> supported way to do it.
I hope with these explanation it's clearer !?
> Combining multiple CMakeCache files is not
> something that the CMake dev team expects you to do...
Ok so why supporting multiple cache parameters?
> Trying to do so
> will very likely lead to weird, inexplicable issues.....
Right now I don't have strange behaviour and everything is working fine. But if in the future that option will not be supported. I would really like to be advise on what is the best way to do this.
Best Regards,
Kevyn-Alexandre Paré
Rogue Research
> HTH,
> David
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