[CMake] Setting the installation order of a script

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Thu Jul 14 08:34:59 EDT 2011

The only way to guarantee that your install SCRIPT and CODE segments
run last is to put them in their own subdirectory, and add it last.

i.e. :
INSTALL (SCRIPT setpermissions.cmake)

# last, so it's install rules run after all other install rules

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 4:51 AM, Mathias Tausig
<mathias.tausig at a-cert.at> wrote:
> Hy!
> My CMakeLists.txt in the top directory looks like this:
> INSTALL (SCRIPT setpermissions.cmake)
> setpermissions.cmake changes some file-owner permissions of the stuff
> that has been installed from dir1 and dir2. The problem is: if I execute
> "make install", setpermissions is run previous to the installation from
> the subdirectories.
> Is there some way to make the script from the last line wait, until
> everything else has been installed?
> I am using cmake-2.8.3 under linux.
> cheer
> Mathias
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