[CMake] Adding a Visual Studio 10 specific flag

Amir Mohammadkhani-Aminabadi amir at mohammadkhani.eu
Wed Jul 13 14:21:10 EDT 2011

Hi Yuri,

thanks for the feedback,

> These flags used by CMake internally to properly handle dependencies 
> (as I can tell from source code). LinkLibraryDependencies is turned on 
> when your target depends on target added wihth 
> include_external_msproject. As for UseLibraryDependencyInputs - you 
> can't set this flag with CMake.

Sadly I'm more interested in the UseLibraryDependencyInputs because this 
one makes or breaks the result when compiled as static lib.
The other solution, besides refactoring the code, is to compile as DLL. 
This problem has only surfaced with MSVC10 and did not
happen with previous versions. While I realize the problem should be 
dealt with in other ways eventually I'd like to try and fix the cmake
build for MSVC10 without too many changes.

Could you suggest a mechanism how this could be set? Has there been 
similar problems with other environments?
I'd gladly implement the feature if you could point me into the right 
direction. From a quick study of the cmake
code I got the impression that cmake does not deal with flags that have 
no command line equivalent.


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