[CMake] FILE( MAKE_DIRECTORY path) prepends source path to make directory path.

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 11:44:05 EST 2011

> You don't need those backslashes there. Try:
> file( MAKE_DIRECTORY "${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${Release}/sqldrivers" )

That solved the issue.

The reason for my error (besides the headache that I have at the
moment) was that I copied the line from the the next line in the macro
which needs to put quotes around the file name since it is generating
the path in a batch file.

file( APPEND ${BatchFileName} "\"${CMAKE_COMMAND}\" -E
copy_if_different \"${RuntimeFile}\"
\"${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${Release}/sqldrivers/\"\n" )

It all works now.

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