[CMake] Fwd: TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES not working for MSVC

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 09:45:48 EST 2011

> Hi john,
> Thanks for the reply.Multiple TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES
>  did not give any configuration error. Though I removed the WIN32 If
> block, but I am still getting the same linking errors.
> TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(hybridnccsurfacecoloring bundler imagelib matrix mathlib
>                       5point libsba  libepnp
>                       sfm libDescriptors f2c  minpack lapack ann getopt jpeg)
> #if(WIN32)
> #TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(hybridnccsurfacecoloring getopt jpeg)
> #endif(WIN32)
> I am absolutely clueless why the linker is not generated in the msvc
> project. Any idea what could be the possible reason for it?...

May be you can a try a simpler executable target which only requires
one lib then try this example both on Linux and MSVC.

The idea is, scale down your problem to something more easy to
understand for us.
In the current case we don't know if ALL your target are failing to
link or some of them
which symbols are missing etc...

Which version of CMake are you using (On Linux and on Windows)?
Did you try with Code::Blocks  on windows?

Are the find_package statement successful on Windows too?
e.g. does;
find_package(ImageMagick COMPONENTS Magick++ MagickCore)
leads to ImageMagick_FOUND or not?

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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