[CMake] packaging after success testing

Tyler Roscoe tyler at cryptio.net
Fri Jan 7 12:15:31 EST 2011

On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 12:52:58PM +0100, ycollette.nospam at free.fr wrote:
> A while ago, a question similar to this one was posted, but no answer
> was given.


> Is it possible to perform the packaging part of a project only if the
> testing part has been successfully performed ?

I do this in the CTest script that drives dashboard builds. Not sure if
this is what you want as your question is so vague, but in case it

    # Start a new submission.
    ctest_start (${TP_DASHBOARD_MODEL})
    # Calculate TP_CTEST_XML_DIR (which changes whenver ctest_start() is called).
    file (READ "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/TAG" tag_file)
    string (REGEX MATCH "[^\n]*" xml_dir ${tag_file})
    set (TP_CTEST_XML_DIR "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/${xml_dir}")


            # This section courtesy of Clinton Stimpson. It determines whether
            # the tests passed or not. See
            # http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.programming.tools.cmake.user/27268

            # tests_result contains whether ctest was able to run tests, not
            # whether any tests failed.
            # This section mines the test results XML file generated by CTest and
            # figures out if there were test failures. See also:
            # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=8277
            set (tests_passed 0)
            if (tests_result MATCHES 0)
                file (READ "${TP_CTEST_XML_DIR}/Test.xml" TEST_RESULTS)
                string (REGEX MATCH "Status=\"[^p]" TestErrors "${TEST_RESULTS}")
                if (TestErrors MATCHES "")
                    set (tests_passed 1)
                endif ()
            endif ()


        if (tests_passed)
            # Build and test succeeded, so build an install package and publish this build.

            # Package. Append results to existing build.
            if (TP_PACKAGE)
                tp_build ("package" "APPEND")
            else ()
                message ("INFO: Packaging disabled.")
            endif ()

            [Stanza about publishing, aka copying build artifacts to the archive for later use, goes here using a similar pattern.]



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