[CMake] Possible bug in XCode backend and proposed workarounds

Samuel Crow samuraileumas at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 6 11:47:32 EST 2011

----- Original Message ----
> From: Michael Wild <themiwi at gmail.com>
> To: cmake at cmake.org
> Sent: Thu, January 6, 2011 10:16:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [CMake] Possible bug in XCode backend and proposed workarounds
> On 01/06/2011 05:02 PM, Samuel Crow wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've  built LLVM 2.9SVN successfully with CMake under XCode but had some 
> >  workarounds needed to get to that point.
> > 
> > 1.  Building in  debug mode there was one archive file dependency that looked 
> > the  release folder instead of the debug folder.
> I suspect the error is in the  CMakeLists.txt of the LLVM project.

Óscar Fuentes (the CMake build script maintainer of LLVM) said that all of the 
Windows and Linux backends generated debug builds without any side-tracks. 
 That's why he suggested that I post here.

> > 2.  The install target  failed to put a sudo -A in front of it.  This is 
> > even  when logged in as administrator on the Mac.
> Do you really want to install  into the system from Xcode??? Do normal
> Xcode projects allow this (I never  tried, and probably never will)?
> Would this even be desirable?
> The  proper thing to do would be to build a package, and then install
> that into  the system.

In LLVM, targets are defined for every Makefile-style target.  This is useful 
when installing debug builds into the system for use with all of the other 
software that uses LLVM.  Again, if there are issues with the way that you'd 
have to ask Óscar Fuentes.  I suspect that the problem is that he was migrating 
from an Autotools environment and desired to do so with minimum disruption to 
the rest of the people that still use the Autotools install scripts.

> > 3.  Since there is no console input source  available in XCode, a small 
> > executable was needed to accept the  password and echo it to stdout for the 
> > -A flag to use.  I've  written such a requester box code in Qt and would be 
> > willing to share  with the CMake team if desired.
> Wouldn't that be easier with a small  applescript (subject to my
> reservations from 2.)?

It would be if I knew the slightest amount of AppleScript.  As it was, the 
choices I was aware of were Apple's Interface Builder and Objective C (which I 
don't know); and Qt and C++ (which I do know).




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