[CMake] New warnings in CMake 2.8.4-rc2
Johan Björk
phb at spotify.com
Sat Feb 5 11:33:16 EST 2011
Hi Guys,
I ran into a very similar issue, It seems that CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE does not
trigger the whatever "mark as used" code in question, so even if it actually
*does* use the variable, you still get a warning.
Example output:
Johan-Bjorks-MacBook-Pro-2:build-morpher phb$ cmake -G Xcode
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/DEV/client/cmake/morpher-toolchain.cmake ../
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
CMake Warning: The variable, 'CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE', specified manually, was
not used during the generation.
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/phb/DEV/client/build-morpher
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Alexander Neundorf
<a.neundorf-work at gmx.net>wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 February 2011, Eric Noulard wrote:
> > 2011/2/2 Emmanuel Blot <eblot.ml at gmail.com>:
> > >> Currently, there is no way to turn this off.
> > >
> > > Very, very bad news ;-(
> > > IMHO, this is a recurrent issue with CMake. It seems there is no way
> > > to guarantee that a project that builds well with a version of CMake
> > > will build the same way with the next minor iteration (used to be
> > > called "patch release").
> >
> > I think "recurrent" is a relatively tough statement, I'm using
> > CMake for 7+ years now and never get caught by such an issue.
> >
> > I think that, CMake developpers are indeed very concerned with
> > backward compatibilty.
> Yes. It is one of _the_ main concerns.
> If any change is made which is obvously backward incompatible (except for
> internal stuff), it is rejected.
> If there is a change with slight chances of breaking something somewhere in
> some cases, it is at least discussed at length, with the outcome, that
> either
> it is internal stuff, so people shouldn't rely on, or a policy is added, or
> it is rejected.
> It may happen that a change which breaks something is overlooked, but if
> you
> report it during the rc phase, this most probably will get fixed.
> (not sure this applies to the new warnings, since they are only warnings
> after
> all)
> I'm caring for KDE since, damn, almost 5 years now, and it's not bad.
> There are very few breakages, or IOW, current KDE requires cmake 2.6.4, and
> I'm not aware of any problems with newer versions of CMake.
> Alex
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