[CMake] include directories,
Łukasz Tasz
lukasz at tasz.eu
Wed Aug 10 10:51:36 EDT 2011
Hi All,
Can somebody please advise me with this topic, if it is expected
behaviour or a bug?
thanks in advance
2011/8/4 Łukasz Tasz <lukasz at tasz.eu>:
> Hi All,
> I have a question according include_directories() function and
> INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES directory property.
> Is it possible that I will know set of include directories that will
> be used by preprocessor when I'm calling add_executable function?
> I notticed, that order does not matter, for example:
> add_library(test test.cxx)
> include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}libtest")
> add_library(test1 test1.cxx)
> both targets will have the same include directories.
> so from CMake phase I'm not able to check what will be includes
> configuration, INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property contain only current one.
> is this expected behaviour or this can be tuned by setting some policy?
> thanks in advance
> Lukasz Tasz
> --
> Lukasz Tasz
Lukasz Tasz
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