[CMake] Error out on installation when there is already an installation
Michael Hertling
mhertling at online.de
Thu Apr 28 08:55:13 EDT 2011
On 04/28/2011 01:51 PM, John R. Cary wrote:
> This is in reference to
> iter.cary$ cmake --version
> cmake version 2.8.3
> iter.cary$ uname -a
> Linux iter.txcorp.com #1 SMP Wed May 27
> 17:27:08 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> We have a situation where a package needs to be
> rebuilt because some dependency is rebuilt. In
> this case, trilinos needs rebuilding because it
> depends on openmpi and the version of opempi gets
> updated.
> Typically, these installations are in a common area,
> but by different people. So one night Joe triggers
> a build a trilinos. Then the next night a new version
> of openmpi is available, so Mary triggers a build of
> openmpi and then trilinos.
> In this situation, Mary's installation of trilinos
> fails, because cmake's installation does not overwrite
> some files:
> -- Installing:
> /usr/local/contrib/trilinos-10.2.0-ser/include/Teuchos_DLLExportMacro.h
> -- Up-to-date:
> /usr/local/contrib/trilinos-10.2.0-ser/include/Teuchos_AbstractFactory.hpp
> CMake Error at packages/teuchos/src/cmake_install.cmake:54 (FILE):
> file INSTALL cannot set permissions on
> "/usr/local/contrib/trilinos-10.2.0-ser/include/Teuchos_AbstractFactory.hpp"
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
> packages/teuchos/cmake_install.cmake:48 (INCLUDE)
> cmake_install.cmake:41 (INCLUDE)
> but then apparently tries to set the permissions anyway. But
> since it did not overwrite, Mary does not own the files, and
> so she cannot set the perms. The result being that the installation
> errors out as above, possibly not completing, but at the very
> least returning an error code that must be chased down.
> It seems to me that one should overinstall, even if the
> file is there, if one is going to try to set permissions
> afterwards. Is there a way to force such overinstallation
> in cmake? Or perhaps not error out on a perm change if the
> exising perms are okay?
> Thx....John Cary
You might try "make install CMAKE_INSTALL_ALWAYS=1", cf. [1].
[1] http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Useful_Variables
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