[CMake] LINK_FLAGS works incorrectly,

Ɓukasz Tasz lukasz at tasz.eu
Mon Apr 18 09:25:24 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I got a simple question,

What is idea behind target property LINK_FLAGS?

When I add linker flag e.g --no-undefined then cmake is not alligning
it to real linker that will be used during linking.

for example --no-undefined is a valid ld switch, but when I specify it
LINK_FLAGS it will not reach linker since cmake is deciding to use g++
and is forgeting about adding -Wl, at the begining.

In my opoinion it should be in a way:
1. User is specyfing:
set_property(TARGET TEST property LINK_FLAGS "--no-undefined")
2. cmake is coosing g++ as a linker, then variable CMAKE_SHARED_LINKING_FLAGS
should be extended with -Wl,--noundefined
3. during make ld is called via g++ with passed flags --no-undefined.

thanks in advance for your help

Lukasz Tasz

Lukasz Tasz

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