[CMake] Choosing MPI installation
Yuri Timenkov
yuri at timenkov.ru
Mon Apr 18 06:56:08 EDT 2011
Just remove these values from cache. If you always want to search in custom
location, look at find_package's options to avoid searching in default
On Apr 11, 2011 6:03 PM, "Martin Vymazal" <martin.vymazal at vki.ac.be> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a beginner and I apologize in case I'm asking a question that
> has already been answered. I would like to find mpi in my
> CMakeLists.txt and enable the user to set the mpi inlude and lib
> directories by setting say variables MY_MPI_INCLUDE_DIR and
> MY_MPI_LIB_DIR in cmake gui.
> Using find_package(MPI) works just fine for me, but once the
> package is found (and the variables MPI_LIBRARY and MPI_INCLUDE_PATH
> are set and cached), I cannot force cmake to search again for MPI in a
> different directory).
> Could you please give me a hint how to do this? How should I handle
> a situation where a user has possibly multiple mpi installations?
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Martin Vymazal
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