[CMake] How to specify -fpic ?
Michael Wild
themiwi at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 07:50:39 EDT 2010
On 30. Sep, 2010, at 13:30 , David Aldrich wrote:
> Hi Michael
>> So, the options are:
>> - use -whole-archive as you do now
>> - make the Kernel library shared
>> - link the dlopen'ed libraries against Kernel
> Thanks very much - I understand. I think I will keep the -whole-archive method.
> However, now I'm worried about how I link in the Python library:
> /usr/bin/c++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wall -m64 -o myProj -rdynamic -Wl,-whole-archive Kernel/libKernel.a -Wl,-no-whole-archive -ldl -lpython2.4
> The dlopen'ed libraries may use the Python library. I guess I could include it in the -whole-archive part, but perhaps it would be better to link each shared library against Python. Would you agree?
Unless the python library is static (which it AFAIK almost never is) you should be safe.
> Sorry that I am now off topic w.r.t cmake.
> By the way, I think I am pretty much there with changing our build system from manually coded makefiles to cmake. I like cmake! Thanks for all your help in getting there. The support on this list is excellent.
;-) well, CMake does have its quirks and dark corners, but in general I find it to be much preferable over anything else I've ever seen so far...
> Best regards
> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Wild [mailto:themiwi at gmail.com]
>> Sent: 30 September 2010 12:20
>> To: David Aldrich
>> Cc: cmake at cmake.org
>> Subject: Re: [CMake] How to specify -fpic ?
>> On 30. Sep, 2010, at 13:05 , David Aldrich wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Ok, by following the link to the wiki suggested by Michael Loose, I used:
>>> target_link_libraries( myProj -Wl,-whole-archive Kernel
>>> -Wl,-no-whole-archive)
>>> This has fixed my problem. The executable links and runs correctly.
>>> My link command is now:
>>> /usr/bin/c++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wall -m64 -Wl,--export-dynamic -o myProj -
>> Wl,-whole-archive Kernel/libKernel.a -Wl,-no-whole-archive -ldl -lpython2.4
>>> I don't need portability so I think this is ok.
>>> Michael Wild wrote:
>>>> The -whole-archive flag is pretty useless with executables (unless,
>>>> you plan to use it as a library too, but that is outlandish).
>>>> --export-dynamic may be also necessary, if your dlopen'ed libraries
>>>> use symbols in your executable.
>>> So my concern is now: am I being 'outlandish' ? The dlopen'ed libraries do
>> use functions in libKernel.a that is linked to the executable. Is this
>> outlandish? Is there a better way?
>> The "outlandish" referred to using an executable also as a library, so you're
>> fine :-) But I think I found the reason for why you need this -whole-archive
>> flag: Since your executable doesn't use all of the functions in the Kernel
>> library, the linker throws them away. This results in your dlopen'ed
>> functions to fail.
>> So, the options are:
>> - use -whole-archive as you do now
>> - make the Kernel library shared
>> - link the dlopen'ed libraries against Kernel
>> Michael
There is always a well-known solution to every human problem -- neat, plausible, and wrong.
H. L. Mencken
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