[CMake] best practice way of copying libraries to an install package

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 02:13:21 EDT 2010

2010/9/23 edA-qa mort-ora-y <eda-qa at disemia.com>:
> On 09/23/2010 12:12 AM, Ryan Pavlik wrote:
>>> If anybody has a good resource, or can recommend some best practices,
>>> that would be great.
>> Use CMake and CPack?  See the wiki, and elsewhere on the internet.
> Yes, I am of course using CMake. My question is more along of the lines
> of how to best achieve the requirements of packaging. The "install"
> command on its own is pretty weak and locating and copying files
> requires all sorts of additional work (at least when it comes to
> finding/copying libraries, data files are fine).
> So I was wondering if there are some good, easy, or common ways to
> achieve packaging library dependencies.

Some CMake tries to help for that task.

InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake  --> Windows only

I think BundleUtilities try to achieve what you want, as far as I know
it was designed for MacOS but has been updated to work on
Linux and Windows as well.

GetPrerequisite is a basic helper which helps you find prerequisite
for an executable or library.

If you dig the mailing list about it you should find more valuable informations
about those.

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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