[CMake] CMake 2.8.3-rc1 ready for testing!

Micha Renner Micha.Renner at t-online.de
Mon Sep 20 10:58:14 EDT 2010

> >
> Do you have the sample project?  
See the appendix of this message.

> Did this not happen for 2.8.2?  
2.8.2 works correct.

> Looks 
> like there is a windows path being used here: /usr/local\CTest.conf. 
> Please provide a minimal example that shows the problem, also please 
> test with 2.8.2 ...

> ...and make sure this is a regression.

Please notice: I'm using the VS2010 Express Version. Sometimes things
are here different.

I downloaded cmake-2.8.3-rc1-win32-x86.exe from this source



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