[CMake] about the required project label...
J Decker
d3ck0r at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 03:00:38 EDT 2010
I have a small cmake script I include at start of several projects. I
define some things like where includes and libraries are for the
common libraries. This has worked well for the few extensions that I
did, because their root cmakelists.txt had no project. Some things
CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC *are set* as valid if you have a
cmakelists.txt with no projects, and only add_subdirectory()s. They
are not set if you reference them before you define an initial
So it's my inclination to define common functions and variables before
using them...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
# declare common global features
Library;Install_Dir]" ABSOLUTE CACHE)
include( ${common_library_root}/CMakeDefs )
PROJECT( my_new_project )
So I know know that won't work, and in the case of the cmakelists.txt
without a project, that shouldn't be done; Can maybe a warning (error)
be made that there is no PROJECT() ?
= = =
There are two ways I can work around this. (something I read recently
that I shouldn't do...)
1) define a PROJECT( Unused_project_name ) in CMakeDefs referenced
a) This works 50% of the time... becuase since there are other
cmake users out there that know you shouldn't do anything before a
project label, they will have set a project before doing the include,
and then my project will interfere and not be the target project they
think they're using.
b) ? nothing good here I suppse
2) err (I don't understand why this works) but move include to the
end of the file?... and therefore within one of the projects (this
particular family has 4 projects all in the same directory...) but it
works fine to include it at the end.
The following code however doesn't work as well at the end...
"Set build type")
"Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo")
That code wants to be before the first project to work correctly.
I'm certain there's a very logical reason that things are where they
have to be... but I think I'm as confused as the other thread about
when things happen... I guess include is done before any other logic
is parsed? what about if that include was in an If... and that if
depended on a condition of that (or another) included file?
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