[CMake] Use ctest for automatic performance measurement

Stefan Dänzer stefan.daenzer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 04:09:53 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I was wondering if one could use cmake/ctest for automatic performance
measurement of applications.

I would want to use ctest to automatically measure the performance of
a whole system and the individual components of a system.

Take for instance an image processing application consisting of
several implemented image processing methods. If one would for
instance want to automatically register two medical images the would
be a whole toolchain behind the actual registration task:
Preprocessing, metric, interpolator, transform, optimizer.

The performance metrics of the individual components and the complete
system in this case might be:

1. Runtime
2. Accuracy by means of defining a distance metric and measuring to a
ground truth

This way one would be able to tune a single algorithm in the toolchain
and see how it affects the performance of the whole system.

Has anyone done this with Cmake/CTest?



Stefan Daenzer
Körnerplatz 8
04107 Leipzig

Tel.: +49-157-84993879

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt
and dance like no one is watching." - Randall G Leighton

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