[CMake] Newbie questions: verbosity and compiler invocation

David Aldrich David.Aldrich at EU.NEC.COM
Wed Sep 8 10:33:31 EDT 2010


I am experimenting with using CMake to replace our manually written gnu makefiles on Linux. I have a couple of questions:


I would like to see the compiler command on the console when running make. I know that one can run:

make VERBOSE=1

but that displays a lot of detail, for example:

make[1]: Entering directory ...

Is there a way that I reduce the commentary to just show the compiler commands? For example:

/usr/bin/c++     -o CMakeFiles/Kernel.dir/ErrorHandler.cpp.o -c /<mypath>/Kernel/ErrorHandler.cpp


As shown above, cmake is invoking:


I don't know what this tool is.  How can I specify to use /usr/bin/g++ ?

Best regards


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