[CMake] cpack/nsis behavior

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 17:55:55 EDT 2010

> I see that behavior too.
> So I see this commit introduce that behavior
> <http://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commit;h=83ec8c35933439305895b8569b2125a7e091fc57>
> And the intention was to "only install/remove the minimal
>  number of files when re-run to update the installation (or by clicking
>  "Change" in Add/Remove programs)"
> The "Change" button doesn't work for me anyway.
> If I remove a few lines of code from cmCPackNSISGenerator.cxx then I get what
> I want:
> -  componentCode += "  IntCmp $" + component->Name
> -    + "_was_installed ${SF_SELECTED} noinstall_" + component->Name + "\n";
> ...
> -  componentCode += "  noinstall_" + component->Name + ":\n";

Thank You. I will look at that when I get a chance.


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