[CMake] cpack/nsis behavior

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 16:39:33 EDT 2010

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 4:36 PM, John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've got this case where I'm using cpack to create nsis packages with a set of
>> components that I want packaged.
>> If I run the installer, things work.
>> But, if I run the installer a second time (without doing an uninstall first),
>> it doesn't do anything.  So, if one had manually removed files, the installer
>> doesn't put them back.
>> I suspect its because there are components, and it assumes it can skip things
>> if the component was already installed before (it is saved in the registry
>> what components were installed).
>> Is there a way to force it to install files again?  Much like a repair
>> functionality would do?
>> I tried with the cmake installer, and it installs files again just fine.  I
>> suspect that is because there are no components in that installer.
> I have this as well. I thought it was a nsis bug and filed a bugreport
> on their site which instantly got closed as its probably the fault of
> CMake.

For me it's a little more complicated because I want to allow to
install more than 1 version of the same application at the same time.
On the second go the install folder is created and the bin folder is
created inside that but no the installer ends quickly and nothing gets
installed on the second go. I then uninstall the newly installed
project and the next install will actually install files.


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