[CMake] [Q] howto merge include dirs from dependencies?

Michael Wild themiwi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 07:08:59 EDT 2010

On 1. Sep, 2010, at 12:36 , Paweł Sikora wrote:

> hi,
> i'm thinking about migration my custom makefiles for very large
> project to cmake system and generally have a one problem.
> e.g. i have a library (mylib) and a binary (coreApp) placed
> in subdirectiories with one top-level cmakelists.txt:
> top-level dir:
> CMakeLists.txt { cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) add_subdirectory (core) add_subdirectory (mylib) }
> core
> mylib
> ./core subdir:
> CMakeLists.txt { add_executable (coreApp main.cpp) target_link_libraries (coreApp mylib) }
> main.cpp
> ./mylib subdir:
> CMakeLists.txt { include_directories (h) add_library (mylib SHARED mylib.cpp) }
> h
> mylib.cpp
> ./mylib/h:
> mylib.hpp
> for mylib build i'm adding the "h" subdir with interface headers
> but i need the mylib/h include path also for coreApp build.
> is there a simply way to pull include dirs from dependencies?

Put include_directories(mylib/h) into the top-level CMakeLists.txt.


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