[CMake] CMake with CPack - unresolved libraries
Marcin Czenko
marcin.czenko at sioux.eu
Tue Oct 26 05:55:58 EDT 2010
Hi Eric,
I checked the link you sent me. It explains everything. Everything works
perfectly now.
Thanks for your help.
Kind Regards,
On 10/25/2010 10:35 PM, marcin.czenko at sioux.eu wrote:
>> You may try to use full RPATH:
>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_RPATH_handling
>> However I have 2 questions:
>> 1) Is your ldd test done AFTER installing the .deb ?
>> 2) Does the "not found" libraries belong to your CMake-handled project or
>> to third party libraries?
> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for answering. Answering your question.
> ad 1) I made the test both before and after installing the .deb. The
> "before" test was done on the executable in the CPack generated folder
> inside the project build folder.
> ad 2) the not found libraries are third party libraries.
> We tried to look at the contents of the binary files and indeed the
> difference between the binary created during "normal" build and the one
> "created" by CPack is the RPATH. However I could not find how to change it
> and I don't not understand why CPack is "touching" the executable instead
> of just copying it. Most certainly I am on learning phase:). I will check
> your hint tomorrow morning and I will let you know about the results.
> Best Wishes,
> Marcin
>> --
>> Erk
>> Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
>> http://www.april.org
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