[CMake] cmake and no make

Michael Hertling mhertling at online.de
Tue Nov 23 00:37:39 EST 2010

On 11/23/2010 03:25 AM, luxInteg wrote:
> Greetings
> I am learning cmake
> Compiling alglib (http://www.alglib.net/) (cpp)  does not use make
> It is done simply by a command such as 
>  g++  -c *.cpp in the src directory
> QUESTION.  If one wants a library from alglib  I would like to know if it can 
> it be compiled  using  CMAKE  and if so how so

Set up a src/CMakeLists.txt, a tests/CMakeLists.txt and a top-level
CMakeLists.txt, use ADD_LIBRARY(), ADD_EXECUTABLE(), ADD_TEST() and
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY() along with the usual CMake stuff, and consider
to offer the finished CMakeLists.txt files to the alglib folks.



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