[CMake] help with learning add_library
Gerhard Gappmeier
gerhard.gappmeier at ascolab.com
Sat Nov 6 12:31:05 EDT 2010
Hi again,
I'v forgotten the envar question in the mail before.
If you really want to set additional options from outside CMakeLists.txt you
can do this:
using $ENV{} you can access any environment variable.
On Saturday 06 November 2010 17:26:11 luxInteg wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am learning cmake.
> I have a question on using add_library. in my project(learnCMAKE). The
> latter has:-
> ---a) 2 source files file1.c file2.c
> ---b) the envar {CFLAGS} set
> ---c) need to generate libLearnCMAKE.so and libLearnCMAKE.a
> ---d) need to add preprocessor agruments -DXXX to CFLAGS in the
> compilation of the source files before liberies are archived like so:-
> gcc ${CFLAGS} -DDINT /path/to/file1.c
> gcc ${CFLAGS} -DDINT /path/to/file2.c
> gcc ${CFLAGS} -DDLONG /path/to/file1.c
> gcc ${CFLAGS} -DDLONG /path/to/file2.c
> How can this be achived in a marco or whatever with add_library ?
> Help would be appreciated
> sincerely
> lux-integ
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mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
*Gerhard Gappmeier*
ascolab GmbH - automation systems communication laboratory
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Web: http://www.ascolab.com
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