[CMake] Include paths not being searched?

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 11:06:34 EDT 2010

> Those files should not need to be on the include path since your compiler should know how to find them (after all, they belong to the c++ standard library). Do you happen to use -nostdinc or -nostdinc++ in your compile flags? Also, what is your c++ compiler?
> If you do a verbose build ("make VERBOSE=1"), what do you see on the compile line?
> Michael

I am using:
g++ (GCC) 4.4.1 20090725 (Red Hat 4.4.1-2)

I am not using -nostdinc or -nostdinc++.

The verbose output showed me that it is running gcc (instead of g++).
I imagine this is the problem. Does cmake tell make to use gcc if the
file extensions are .c? That is only thing I can think of that is
different about this project than my normal projects (which typically
have .cxx and .cpp). Is there a way to force it to use g++ no matter
what the extensions are?



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