[CMake] Can't eliminate framework search path from Xcode target

Tron Thomas tron.thomas at verizon.net
Sat Jun 26 20:54:06 EDT 2010

I have a development project I've created which uses CMake 2.8.1 to 
configure the project to be build on Mac OS X 10.6.4 using Xcode 3.2.1.

The project has several targets in it.  Two targets share some source 
code files.  One of those targets links to some frameworks.  The other 
target used to link to framework, and I am now trying to configure it so 
it will not link to any frameworks at all.

The current problem I'm having is that whenever any file in this second 
project compiles with Xcode, the compiler settings apply the search path 
for the frameworks that exist in the project; i.e. the build output for 
compiling the file contains something like 
"-F/Users/MyAccount/Project/build/Debug" before any other header search 
paths are specified.   This causes the source code to find the wrong 
headers which are in the framework rather than the desired headers 
specified in the header search path.

I have made many attempts and I have yet to figure out how the flag that 
specifies the framework search path gets included in the setting that 
are used for compiling the target.  The Info pane for the target does 
not list the framework search path anywhere in its user interface.  I 
have tried using grep to search through all the file in the project file 
system.  I cannot find anything that causes this flag to be included for 
the target.  It seems that it just magically appears out of no where.

What can I do to eliminate this setting from my build configuration for 
the target?

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