[CMake] Ways of setting CTEST_BUILD_NAME

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Thu Jun 24 15:22:35 EDT 2010

Make that:
cmake -DBUILDNAME=MyBuildName . && ctest -D Experimental

(forgot the '.' ...)

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:21 PM, David Cole <david.cole at kitware.com> wrote:

> cmake -DBUILDNAME=MyBuildName . && make && make test
> test does not depend on all so that it can just run quickly... so you need
> the middle make in the above command line if you actually want to build your
> stuff first.
> But why do you even need to set BUILDNAME for a "make test" -- it only
> really applies when you're submitting a dashboard.
> You would do something like:
> cmake -DBUILDNAME=MyBuildName && ctest -D Experimental
> ...to run an experimental dashboard including configure, build and test
> stages...
> Does that make sense?
> HTH,
> David
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Convey, Christian J CIV NUWC NWPT <
> christian.convey at navy.mil> wrote:
>> Suppose I want do just use "ctest" in a dead-simple manner:  add a few
>> lines to my CMakeLists.txt files, then run "cmake . && make test".
>> In this scheme, what's the easiest way I can set CTEST_BUILD_NAME?  Simply
>> setting that variable in my CMakeLists.txt file doesn't *seem* to be
>> effective.
>> Thanks,
>> Christian
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