[CMake] CMake - overriding shared linker flags

K Lakshman maruthilakshman-cmake at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 23 09:38:40 EDT 2010

I didn't really think of that (why no library does it). Can you tell me what the 
issues are?

Thanks in advance,


----- Original Message ----
From: Hendrik Sattler <post at hendrik-sattler.de>
To: K Lakshman <maruthilakshman-cmake at yahoo.com>
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Sent: Wed, 23 June, 2010 5:23:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CMake] CMake - overriding shared linker flags

Zitat von K Lakshman <maruthilakshman-cmake at yahoo.com>:
> I might have used the term incorrectly. The context is that I am  trying to 
> a shared library which, on running by its own will print the version  info 
> the name of the shared library will be libmylib.so which can be used to link
> with and build other executables. But when run as a command libmylib.so will
> print some information. Whether you call this an executable or a  shared 
> is immaterial. For instance, /lib/libc.so.6 behaves in a similar  way. I was 
> trying to mimic that behavior in my library.

Ever wondered why no library does this except GNU libc?

Just don't. Really.


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