[CMake] ctest meant to be re-entrant?

Convey, Christian J CIV NUWC NWPT christian.convey at navy.mil
Mon Jun 21 19:47:00 EDT 2010

> David is right; it's confusing because ctest can be used in 
> several different ways. I think it's actually much worse than 
> he says, because as far as I can tell, ctest can be used in 
> four completely different and mutually incompatible ways, 
> each with their own idiosyncrasies. To make things worse, two 
> of the ways are actually invoked with the same arguments!

Thanks, actually I'm really glad you wrote all that [snipped] stuff.  I was starting to think I was being uniquely moronic for having trouble figuring out ctest.  You confirmed that it really is pretty complicated in its current incarnation.  My self-respect is now partially restored.

- Christian
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